Ways to Give
Any gift, large or small, monthly or one-time are greatly appreciated. There are several ways to donate to the individual ministries of CMI. Because CMI ministries are run by volunteers or those who raise their own support, we opperate with only a 5% overhead.

Give by Check
Checks should be made out to “Community Ministries International” or “CMI” and mailed to:
Box 1245
Tempe, AZ 85280
Please write that name of the ministry you wish to donate to in the memo field on the check.

Give Online
An easier way for some to donate is through our online donation form. You can access this from the Give Now menu or this link. You can give a one time gift or recurring monthly gift that come directly from your bank accoun, debit card or a credit card.

Donate Stocks
You can donate stocks to CMI. Many like this option to avoid paying capital gains on the stock you are donating.
Contact us for information on how to donate Stocks.

Occasionally, CMI has been offered gifts-in-kind such as a car.
Contact us for information on how to give a non-cash material donation.